Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What To Look For In A Holiday Travel Package

Traveling during any holiday season can be hectic. Many people are heading home for the holidays, while others look to get out of town for some much needed vacation time. If this is the only time you want or are able to travel, you might find a better value by booking a holiday travel package well in advance so you can assure yourself a hotel room and best-rate airline tickets. You can book ahead on your own unstructured agenda if you prefer, but usually these times fill up so quickly, making it difficult to get a good deal. Taking a package deal instead will typically save you money over what you would’ve spent had you booked all accommodations separately.
When you do lock in a holiday package, look for one that is flexible. No two packages are identical, so if you find one you like better but the booking agent doesn't offer something you truly want to do, consider trying to do so on your own. Also, by skipping a day or heading out earlier or later, you can arrange a better deal sometimes. Not all packages are set in stone, so ask questions or find another package that suits your needs for better enjoyment. A good travel agent will help you arrange all your specifications. So if you are booking during a holiday season, use a travel agent instead of doing it yourself.

Additionally, avoid holiday vacation packages that sound too good to be true. Traveling during a holiday season means that it will almost inevitably be more expensive. If there is a fabulous deal that you are able to secure, make sure you do your research, because many times scams fool you into believing you are taking one package and then switching it at the last minute for a worse hotel, no car rental, or a different airline. Get your vacation package deal in writing so you have proof of what you were told in case you need to request your money back at a later date.

On that same note, it is vital you obtain a printout of your itinerary several weeks, or even months, in advance so you know exactly what airline and route you are taking, as well as where you are staying. That way you can provide to other key people (e.g. extended family members, neighbors) your travel information and plan side trips according to where you will be at certain dates and times.
Any package you purchase will have some flexibility concerning how much “free” time you are able to enjoy. You don’t always need to stay with the group, so find out what those non-group opportunities are and how much alone time you will have with each. If you decide to venture out on your own, you'd certainly want to be sure you can do so without the pressure of the group's consideration.
Finally, before booking any holiday package, do a sufficient amount of research on the company you are booking through so you can verify they are reputable. You don’t want to end up stuck in another country if something goes wrong!

Author: Terry Miller

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